Frequently asked questions.

How do I find out my Head Orisha?

A. Babalawo
B. Oriate
In a ceremonial reading, not a regular 21 day reading.

Do you offer readings at this time?

Check back, and stay tuned for the Public Announcement, or check my Acuity scheduling page. I am open for advice consultations if you have a question, and need to talk.

Here are a few Reading referrals: Esu Sango on Facebook (Tarot), Can Be the Light (Youtube Tarot)

Can you interpret dreams for me?

Though I am a lucid dreamer, myself, I do not specialize in Dream Interpretation in particular.

I always recommend seeking a diviner in order to interpret what the dream meant for you or keeping a dream journal and fasting to see what the particular message means.

Anything else would most likely be speculation from the person you’re seeking an interpretation from because dreams are very personal in nature.

I keep seeing the same numbers. What does this mean?

Each situation for each person will be different depending on what your ancestors, guides, and angels are attempting to convey to you!🙂

I suggest a 24 hour fast and journaling in order to determine what these personal numbers will mean to your life.

Again, Though I specialize in lucid dreaming and Numerology, I do not offer interpretation of Number meanings because each situation would have a different meaning to each person, I suggest divination to confirm what those numbers mean to you because there is no one-size-fits-all for those numbers.

I’m seeking help with how to work with Ancestors and Spirit Guides. Where do I start?

My first answer would be feel free to check out my Connecting with Guides and Goals Series, Classes on developing your spiritual gifts, at and feel free to Book a Consultation with me.➡️

I also suggest researching and knowing what you’re getting yourself into before going all the way in, because it is a commitment.

My next answer would be to check out my ancestor playlist on how to safely set up an altar and connect. .

How do I find out which ancestors and spirit guides are walking with me or if loves ones that newly passed away are in peace?  

A quite common and effective way to find out that information in the diaspora is via scheduling an INVESTIGATIVE MISA which is traditionally conducted IN PERSON with 2-3 mediums working together depending on who you schedule with.

Send me a message if you are interested, but keep in mind, you will have to travel to Houston, Texas if you want me and my associated mediums to do it for you.

Just send a message in the contact section on this website.

I would like to see if you can MENTOR ME in Spiritualism and Spiritual Development. How can we begin?

Three options:

***Join the Patreon group or register for a monthly subscription to the Private Facebook group.

***For upcoming IN PERSON events announcements, and to possibly meet me in person. Join my MEETUP group free of charge:

***Follow me on IG @Adunolatheoracle for upcoming events.

Due to the fact I am still very much a student of Orisa in my tradition on a training level, I am not at the place where I can take godchildren at this time because I do not have enough experience doing the actual work. But I am definitely available to Mentor on ancestor and spirit guide work, manifestation, basic Orisa info, fasting, and emotional wellness.✨

Can you refer me to an elder in my area that can do an Orisha reading for me or possibly become my Godparent?

I can give certain referrals to the best of my ability, and I’m sure that there are some great people out there but I haven’t met every elder willing and available so please be aware that I give referrals based on my limited acquaintances that I know of. Stay tuned for a video in which I speak of some of them. I do not get a referral fee for recommending anyone, and everyone that I recommend, I do not know personally, but I know of their reputation.